Meet Genie – Workforce Allocation Supercharged

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Who do I put on my project?

Match your employees to the right work at the right time, fast.

Power the leap to one connected workforce with Genie’s AI Matching Software. Unlock the true value of your global workforce, by sharing your people across borders, offices and departments.

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Meet Genie Feature

Who’s a match?

Apply AI Powered skills matching across your borders and offices.

Meet Genie Feature

Who’s available?

See a real-time view of who has capacity to take your project on.

Meet Genie Feature

Accurate data

Genie’s AI assistant keeps skills and availability data up to date.

Meet Genie Feature

Business intelligence

Get valuable insights on the skills make-up and skills gaps of your organisation.

As seen in
Our Partners

The Success Story So far

Organisations using Genie
AI Matches made in heaven
104 seconds
From resource brief to allocation
  • Genie’s matching technology is game changing when it comes to casting the best talent onto projects at speed and scale. It’s a no brainer for any growth focused business wanting to unlock the full potential and value of their talent base.

    Bill Scott
    Managing Director
    Bill Scott
    Managing Director
  • How It Works

    The right people, with the right skills, available and always at your fingertips.

    Resource allocation, Supercharged.

    Request a demo
    How It Works

    The right people, with the right skills, available and always at your fingertips.

    Resource allocation, Supercharged.

    Request a demo

    Be Effective, Move Fast.

    Request a demo

    Connect Silo’d data

    This missing piece of the puzzle is AI Matching

    Genie integrates into your HR and Project Management systems, sitting at the heart of day to day resourcing operations, capturing valuable matching data. Connect via API and achieve full interoperability across the entire workflow.

    Everything is changing

    Want to see the future for yourself? Get started with Genie today

    See how AI powered matching software fuels high performance

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